HTML is very strict in its naming requirements. ProView will handle all of the naming and file structure (i.e. placing files in their correct folders) if default settings are used.
ProView will allow you to use your own naming and file structure. (See “Web Options.”)
The following technical description is included for those who wish to customize their website structure.
NOTE: Changing file names or location after the website is built can adversely affect links.
How ProView builds the folder structure.
Proview will create HTML pages in any folder you select. It will name the pages accordingly (see “How ProView names files”) and adjust all references between your linked pages.
An “images” folder will be created in this folder also. All of your images will be copied (converted and compressed) into this folder. ProView will rename the files and adjust all references within your HTML pages.
If an “images” folder exists, ProView will place your images within this folder. (Any original files within this folder will not be altered.)
If the images used in your project file were originally located within an existing “images” folder and are either JPEG or GIF images, ProView will use these images unaltered.
A “movies” folder will be created using the same rules as the “images” folder.
ProView will not overwrite existing files EXCEPT for the “index.htm” page. If you are building your website in a folder with an existing “index.htm” page see “The Index Page” below.
Changing the Structure.
If you choose not to have ProView copy movies or images, the references to these files within the HTML pages will include the folders in which the files reside.
When a browser opens such a page, it will look for the files within their folders located within the main website folder ONLY.
While working in your project ProView will find files regardless of their location. However, when posting your website (see “Posting Your Website”) remember to include all folders with files being used in the main website folder.
How ProView names files.
Since HTML and most non-Mac servers have file naming restrictions ProView automatically adjusts file names accordingly. (If your files are named within the following guidelines and their are no duplicate names, they will not be renamed.)
Only upper and lowercase letters, numbers, dashes(-) and underscores ( _ ) are allowed within the file name. Any other characters will be replaced by the underscore character.
A period (.) and the appropriate extension must follow the file name.
Duplicate file names will be appended with an underscore and incremental numbers before the extension.
image.jpg image_0001.jpg image_0002.jpg
Media Files.
The following are acceptable extensions for media files: .jpg .gif .mov. ProView will add these extensions to your media files where necessary when building or updating a website.
NOTE: Pict files are not accepted by HTML and will be converted to JPEG by ProView.
HTML Pages.
ProView uses the page name from the project file and adjusts it for the HTML page name (except for the “index.htm” page).
ProView adds .htm or .html to the HTML pages it creates. (See “Use file extension .html for pages.” )
Technical Note: ProView does not conform to the DOS standard 8/3 (characts.ext) naming convention. Up to 32 characters (including the extension) are accepted.